
In a crafty mood

One con about living far from "city life" is that you can't just stroll on over to a shop or hop in the car and drive 10 minutes here or there when you need something. Right now my need is fabric... cute, sweet fabric that would look mah-velous on a special niece who will be celebrating her first birthday this month. So, right now I'm chewing on my lip like it's Hubba Bubba. It's my nervous habit. I want this fabric in my hands ASAP. I can hear the hum of the sewing machine and I can picture myself happily zipping along to the rhythm. I've seen some precious fabric over at Repro Depot but I don't want to wait. And I don't want to pay for shipping. I could be worse off, I know, but this crafty mood is going to end up giving me a bloody lip. Maybe I'll have to divert my attention. Nachos, anyone?

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