
My Monastery is a Minivan too

My dear friend Michelle loaned me a copy of Denise Roy's My Monastery is a Minivan and I'm so glad she introduced me to such a great read. It came at just the right time in my life. It reminded me that spiritual grace can be found anywhere. Spirituality doesn't necessarily have to be found in religious institutions and spiritual practice doesn't have to occur only on Sundays. It also reminded me that every day at some point in that day I need to stop, look and learn. There are lessons in everything we do regardless of how mundane or small our actions may seem.

I must admit that I had been caught in a life in fast forward. It was always finish this task and move on the next. My mind was focused on what was ahead instead of what was happening now. It wasn't fair to my family or myself.

I am still learning to focus on the "now". But I'm forgiving myself more. I bought Denise's Momfulness book and I look forward to building upon my spiritual practice... even if that practice comes during the drive from home to tumbling class in my minivan.

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