
Sock it to me!

A very sweet boy asked for a sock monkey for Christmas, but Santa never delivered. I thought my son's desire for a sock monkey was just a passing fancy. Boy, was I wrong! Ever since Christmas he's asked about the sock monkey... How much are they? Where could he buy one? He has enough money in his piggy bank. Will Santa bring one next year?

He really, really wanted a sock monkey so I had to deliver.

The hubby had an old pair of Rockford Red Heeled socks that I had put away in my fabric stash many moons ago. So, I brought out the socks, searched for an online tutorial and got busy. And now, Mr. Sock Monkey joins the boy's ever growing mountain of stuffed toys. Welcome to the family, Mr. Sock Monkey!

BTW, I found the awesome sock monkey tutorial via Web Goddess with great step-by-step instructions including photos. SCORE!

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