
Getting back on track

Sweet little snow berries found in our yard all dressed up with a quote.

I haven't blogged in a while. I've wanted to because there has been so much fun to share, but I haven't because, well, so much fun has happened. The kids were off for 2 weeks with Winter Break and then the weekend after their first week back it snowed like crazy here in our little town. This closed area schools down for 3 days. And it shut down any kind of "normalcy" here at home. But, we are now back on track... kind of.

The hubby and I have started a 10-day cleanse called the Love Your Body Cleanse. For me, it's a great way to re-connect to my body and show it some extra care. I must admit that with the holidays and the New Year I was eating so many yummy, but somewhat unhealthy snacks. Finding my way back to greens and whole grains will ground me and keep me focused. I was getting too spontaneous with food and allowing myself one too many "treats". In other words, WAY too much refined sugar. Oi!

So, it's only mid-afternoon of Day 1 on the cleanse, but I already feel refreshed. This is what my food intake looks like thus far:

Water (lots o' water)
Avacado Smoothie (avacado, cucumber, banana, agave, romaine lettuce leaves)
Picnic Lunch (hard boiled egg, raw nuts, olives, apple slices, carrots/cucumber slices with hummus)
Red, Red Juice (beet, carrots and an apple)

I'm looking forward to tonight's dinner (creamy kale salad, brown rice with tahini dressing and roasted fennel/carrots/beets)AND then my dessert (a cup of roobios tea with coconut milk).

Tomorrow's menu sounds just as delicious and if you ever get a chance to participate in a cleanse like this one, you should!

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