
Just a few things Friday

So, yeah, yesterday I got my first speeding ticket in 10 years.   $93.  Ouch. Washington State doesn't have driving school to "erase" your infraction from your driving record, but you can request a deferral.  I did that and fingers crossed I practice good driving behavior for the next 7 years (You can only request 1 deferral every 7 years).  Not a highlight to my day, but it is something I better remember.  And it is kind of funny that my Wordless Wednesday was a picture of slug and my title was "Taking it slow."  Um, not really leading by example, eh?  

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Lattes are helping me get over the fact that summer really is gone.  I was not looking forward to summer's end, but a cup o' pumpkin goodness sure helps.  A whipped cream topping helps too.

I finally finished knitting a little new baby gift for my friend's daughter. At least the cooler weather is snuggling up to my knitting crave.  What baby won't look cute in a hand knitted beanie and booties?  I found the beanie pattern here on Ravelry. The booties pattern I found here and ohmygosh it was the most simple and quick bootie pattern I've found yet. I changed the pattern up a bit to match the seed stitch in the beanie.  I hope the newest little female earthling likes purple.

You have to check out this video from Jimmy Fallon.  He, Stephen Merchant, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt square off in a lip sync battle.  It's so awesome.  JGL's last lip sync makes the video. He's such a little cutie.

And, tonight I FINALLY get to watch this:

I'm all kinds of excited! I hope Baz does me proud.  I loved his Romeo and Juliet.  

Happy Weekending, folks!


Ann said...

This recipe looks so taste . I am going to need to buy pumpkin!

ButterflyChica said...

the latte recipe saves me mucho dinero every fall. :P