
Mini books

It's Friday night. The kids are with the Grandparents. The hubby and I were watching the "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnussus", but he ended up falling asleep on me so now here I sit in front of the computer frustrated with my low-scores on Bejeweled Blitz 2. To cure me from the can't-get-a-friggin-decent-score-on-such-an-easy-random-game blues I'm blogging. Yay blog!

This past Thursday was Pay it Forward Day and I made some mini-coloring books for the kids. I'd like to do some full-size ones soon.

I had so much fun making the books and the kids were so happy to receive them. Little A even decided to make her own version for me! I'll have to put up some pics of hers in my next post.

And totally unrelated to this post in any way shape or form... I can't stop listening to F*** Was I by Jenny Owen Youngs. It has a catchy tune and for some odd reason I really enjoy saying the f-word. Go figure.


Loran said...

Hello! I bounced in here from Leonie's Goddess Circle and found this delightful video. I love it! And your little coloring books for your kids too.


Andie said...

You are, as always, AWESOME and inspirational. I ♥ your style!

ButterflyChica said...

Thanks, Andie!!

Loran, thanks for visiting the blog and leaving a comment. The Goddess Circles are wonderful. :)

Ann said...

Love the books for the kids, you are a great mom. Love the video to!lol