
When you least expect it... Knit Happens

Knitting tends to come in spurts for me. It definitely is hard to find time to sit down with my needles and yarn when I am at the beck and call of two pint-sized Czars. But, after a sprinkling of Czar-free minutes here and there, I've been able to get this far with the Prickly Girl tank from Knitty:

This is only the front piece which isn't much considering my knitting will need to amount to this:

Image from Knitty

All in good time though. With the heat thick as caramel the kids are spending more and more time in the inflatable pool. The pool is a ghastly eyesore. But, if it gives me an hour or two every now and then to exercise the ol' fingers, then three cheers for bright blue plastic.

1 comment:

Andie said...

oh that is coming out soooo cute!
i should do a wearable for mags. i love kid projects cos they're smaller. heee!
yay for bright blue plastic!!! :D fly fingers!