
Cheep! Cheep! Chee!

We welcome 3 new little members to our flock! Today we drove down to Portland's Urban Farm Store and got to pick our fave chicks... an Americauna, a Brown Brahma and a Blue Andalusian. They are all equally cute and ohsosweet. And Urban Farm Store rocks! Their staff is super friendly and very knowledgeable. If you live in this area and want to buy chicks, I recommend visiting them for sure!

We have our chicks set up downstairs to stay warm. Luckily, we had a huge empty pond tub that we were able to use. It gives them plenty of room for a little exploring during the day. The kids have already named them. I think the name choices are pretty cool.

Up top is Cookie Monster(Blue Andalusian), in the middle is Penny (Brown Brahma) and on the bottom is Yellow Jacket(Americauna).

We have our coop all built but we have to prepare a little run area for them. I'll have to post pics of the coop next time. I'm super excited to raise these little ladies and look forward to watching them grow and their personalities emerge. I know I shouldn't have a favorite, but I can't help but be drawn to our Americauna. She'll be giving us some greenish blue eggs in a few months and that makes one happy smiley mama.


Sinkin' into Summer

The move from California to Washington has kept me preoccupied and super busy with unpacking, cleaning and organizing. The kids haven't been quite as preoccupied. I must say I am proud of the way they have kept themselves entertained. It's true they spend a lot of time arguing because they are spending VAST amounts of time together, but, hey, they are learning a valuable lesson here... conflict resolution.

This past Friday I think I finally sank into Summer. A Summer that is spent with the kids and not trying to dig myself out of some moving box. I can't be all work and no play. We know what that makes, right? So, I turned to Nature Rocks which is an AWESOME site full of fun things to do in the great outdoors. No one wants to be stuck indoors. Check out their Summer Activity Guide. You won't be disappointed and neither will the kiddos. Also, The Nature Conservancy has a fun Treasure Hunt printout.

Summer, here we come (fashionably late, of course)!

Our collection for our sunprint.

A pretty yellow wildflower that caught our attention on our nature walk.

Washing some rocks for Rock Archaeology.

Making our way back up the steps to home. My dad did a great job carving them out for us!


Chance is always powerful...

Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. ~Ovid

So we did it. We made a momentous decision in our lives which moved us from safe California to the wild unknown Washington. Am I nervous? Am I a little scared? Will I miss all the familiarity of California and my family... the family? Oh, heck yah! But, the excitement and the beauty of the unknown and the feeling of this being "right" outweighs my anxieties. The husband and I couldn't ignore the voice we both heard when it came. And the voice wasn't loud or demanding or threatening. It was a soft voice offering peace and love.

It was kinda nutty how everything aligned to make this move possible. Sometimes I cry because I am so grateful for the opportunity and the hand of Divine Grace that we soulfully took hold of. This was definitely a once in a blue moon chance. We thought about what the kids would miss and we thought about the safety of our existence in a small town doing the same ol', same ol' that provided much comfort.

Moving day was sad, I admit. The home we grew to love for 7 years would no longer be home. We were about to embark on a true adventure in a new town that we didn't know and people didn't know us. We would call an unfamiliar house home.

Audrey in her old room with her many moving boxes.

The moving van all packed and ready to take our stuff to Washington. *Sniffle Sniffle*

The Flocks invade Washington!

Now it's been 2 weeks since California. We are unpacking boxes and making things our own. We absolutely LOVE LOVE our house and our yard! The backyard is amazing. It's a yard of scouting and treasure hunting and collecting and meditating and peace making and soul finding. We look forward to what's on the horizon for us. But most importantly we look forward to discovering our new home together as a family.

The little man enjoying his freedom in the backyard.

Me and our backyard wild daisies. I love that they are everywhere!

The fam (my dad even came along to help us move!) in the backyard "jungle". The kids call it paradise. *Smile*