
Just a few things keeping me going this winter

Every winter my hands become super dry and ONLY this bee bar has saved me from "human sandpaper syndrome". I was introduced to it years ago by my best friend it's my go-to lotion when regular lotion won't work. It's natural healing powers are amazing! I always get the vanilla scent because it smells so pretty.

Honey House Naturals Bee Bar

This Feng Shui CD has lulled me to sleep many a night. It is peaceful and soothing. I toss it in the CD player for that spa-like feeling when I indulge in hot bath. The combination of music flows and it is perfect background music when you take a trip to that "happy place" inside yourself.

Have you heard of Smash yet? It's a line of scrapbook products. I love the design and the fun-ness. I went a little cuckoo and bought a bunch of their stickies, tape, pens and bookmarks. My particular favorite is the Glue Pen that has a pen and glue (duh!). I don't know why it appeals to me, but when I'm paper crafting I always need glue and a pen and this tool makes it handy. I have yet to purchase a Smash Folio which is their journal/scrapbook (right now I have too many of my own), but I am getting one for my daughter for her birthday.


A lot to be thankful for

1. Drinks like the one above that nourish the body
RED, RED JUICE (juiced in my blender)
1 medium beet
2 medium carrots
1 medium apple
about 1 cup of water (give or take)

2. a puppy who is slowly healing from some surgery

3. the make-up kisses and hugs after a quarrel

4. kids who "simplify" their rooms without being asked (they got rid of a lot of stuff they don't need anymore)

5. smiles that make the eyes sparkle

6. learning that frustration comes more from your own bad behavior

7. deep breaths

8. sunshine when you think it's supposed to be another day of rain

9. warm, wooly socks that keep my feet cozy

10. this song that makes me happy and reminds me it's okay that i'm a "rainbow"


Muffins to die for!

It's Day 2 of the Love Your Body Cleanse and I'm craving sweets. I'm craving them because for 10 days I can't have wheat, dairy or refined sugars. I literally salivate when I think about chocolate or cookies or muffins or cupcakes. I could go on and on, but I'll stop. Oh, wait. Let's keep this going with a picture and a link to a recipe you will bow down to. Yes, this recipe is that good. I'm not even lying. These absolutely delicious, aromatic, yummy muffins that I can't have right now should be made by you today. Your family will thank you. You will thank you. But, most of all your taste buds will weep in joy. Behold, Just Jenn's Banana Crumb Muffins!

Please eat these or something similar for me today. Thank you.


Getting back on track

Sweet little snow berries found in our yard all dressed up with a quote.

I haven't blogged in a while. I've wanted to because there has been so much fun to share, but I haven't because, well, so much fun has happened. The kids were off for 2 weeks with Winter Break and then the weekend after their first week back it snowed like crazy here in our little town. This closed area schools down for 3 days. And it shut down any kind of "normalcy" here at home. But, we are now back on track... kind of.

The hubby and I have started a 10-day cleanse called the Love Your Body Cleanse. For me, it's a great way to re-connect to my body and show it some extra care. I must admit that with the holidays and the New Year I was eating so many yummy, but somewhat unhealthy snacks. Finding my way back to greens and whole grains will ground me and keep me focused. I was getting too spontaneous with food and allowing myself one too many "treats". In other words, WAY too much refined sugar. Oi!

So, it's only mid-afternoon of Day 1 on the cleanse, but I already feel refreshed. This is what my food intake looks like thus far:

Water (lots o' water)
Avacado Smoothie (avacado, cucumber, banana, agave, romaine lettuce leaves)
Picnic Lunch (hard boiled egg, raw nuts, olives, apple slices, carrots/cucumber slices with hummus)
Red, Red Juice (beet, carrots and an apple)

I'm looking forward to tonight's dinner (creamy kale salad, brown rice with tahini dressing and roasted fennel/carrots/beets)AND then my dessert (a cup of roobios tea with coconut milk).

Tomorrow's menu sounds just as delicious and if you ever get a chance to participate in a cleanse like this one, you should!


A Self Study

I look at myself and I wonder who I am. I mean, I know who I am on a somewhat superficial level; a mom, a wife, a woman, a caregiver, a daughter,a 38 year-old, a sister, etc. But, who am I really? Do I really exist? I think, therefore I am... right? I look at the wrinkles forming around my eyes and my lips. I look a my hands and see how they have grown more tired and more aged. They don't look like young hands. But, I don't feel old. I don't feel the way I look and I wonder if a new self is emerging. A self that is much more than time, more than a physical being, more than a thought...

They say the eyes can tell a thousand stories. I guess tonight's is just one of many.


What he said