
Did I tell you?

I was going through old pictures that are stored in a big ol' wicker chest I have out in the garage and I found a little booklet by Elizabeth Knapp titled Did I tell you? My mom gave me this book a couple of months after I got married. It made me cry because my mom hardly ever expresses her love verbally and finds cards to help her say what she wants to say. The booklet is a truly wonderful way to be reminded of how she feels. I can't believe I've left it out in the cold. It should be inside the house where its nice and warm. Here's a little excerpt on love:

Sometimes I forget to love this way because I'm too busy or too tired or just too filled with excuses. Thanks for the reminder, Mom.

And happy day! You can find copies for sale here.


Wouldn't it be nice...

It'd be nice to be outside instead of inside. It'd be nice to be listening to the birds chirping instead of the sound of the computer whirring. It'd be nice to be smelling the fresh pine and the dewy dirt instead of the hamster cage bedding that's ready for a change. It'd be nice to be looking out on the hills stretching themselves out in the morning sun instead of my computer screen. It'd be nice to be holding my hubby's hand as we sit near "toad" rock instead of holding my mouse. It'd be nice to be here instead of working:
The walk-up to the hilltop overlooking the "park"

Almost to the top and seeing the snow-capped mountains and the Chukchansi Gold Casino

"Toad" Rock - well, it looks like a toad to me

Sitting on top of this rock would me a major improvement to a computer desk chair


Here's to change!!!

Happy Inauguration Day!!!

Thank you to Skip to My Lou for the wonderful free printable cupcake toppers!!


My Monastery is a Minivan too

My dear friend Michelle loaned me a copy of Denise Roy's My Monastery is a Minivan and I'm so glad she introduced me to such a great read. It came at just the right time in my life. It reminded me that spiritual grace can be found anywhere. Spirituality doesn't necessarily have to be found in religious institutions and spiritual practice doesn't have to occur only on Sundays. It also reminded me that every day at some point in that day I need to stop, look and learn. There are lessons in everything we do regardless of how mundane or small our actions may seem.

I must admit that I had been caught in a life in fast forward. It was always finish this task and move on the next. My mind was focused on what was ahead instead of what was happening now. It wasn't fair to my family or myself.

I am still learning to focus on the "now". But I'm forgiving myself more. I bought Denise's Momfulness book and I look forward to building upon my spiritual practice... even if that practice comes during the drive from home to tumbling class in my minivan.


Standing together with your "Sisters"

My sister "sister" emailed me this truly touching reading done by Kelly Corrigan. Here's to my sister and my "sisters". I toast all of you.


A Love Equation

Love math is cool. Audrey came up with the most awesome love math equation. It put the biggest smile on my heart.

It reads: Daddy + MOMMY(that's me!) + Luke + Audrey + Max(our cat) + Quimby(her hamster) + Dexpero(supposed to be Despereaux - it's math, not spelling - luke's hamster) = heart heart heart heart heart heart heart


Back in knit

I've truly neglected my knitting. 2008 produced 3 projects (I think. I'll have to go through my yarn baskets for a truer count). And of those 3 I really only completed 1. How sad. Sad because knitting is one way to get me to sit and be. Thank goodness 2009 screams of possibility. I sat my butt down and knit up a sweet little nightcap for my lovely little man. It's a pattern from Lucinda Guy's And So To Bed book. I can't say it was the quickest knit, but then again I'm a terribly slow knitter. The little guy is loving his nightcap and I hope it brings only the sweetest of dreams for him.

In other news, we woke up to a very foggy morning. It's our 6th or 7th foggy morning which is on the stranger side for our area. We are supposedly above the fog and below the snow, but these mornings have proved otherwise. I'm not complaining though. I think a wintery foggy morning is beautiful.

The fog has kept me indoors which most likely has helped put me in that knitting mood. It's nice to get back to knitting. It really is a time for reflection and meditation and relaxation. Another nightcap is cast on and I'm ready for more...


A new year. A new me?

2009 rolled in quite annoyingly this year. I fell asleep around 11:15pm curled in a fetal position. The chills I had along with the body aches and pains were not supposed to happen. I was supposed to rock the new year in with some cheers, smiles and some sweetheart kisses. What went wrong? Was it bad karma?

It sure looked like bad karma from the outside. But, upon further reflection I think it was my body/mind telling me to slow my roll. December had been crazy hectic and I had my fair share of migraines. I think I ended up giving up a little too much free time and by New Year's Eve my body had had enough. She was going to force me to lay down, get under the covers and float away to la-la land.

La-la land was a rest stop. I had a chance to get rid of waste, stretch my legs, clear my mind and slap myself into awakefulness. It was a point in time that helped me put myself first. What did I want? What did I really need? Thinking about these questions then and now will hopefully help me re-connect with those pieces of myself that have somehow been dogpiled under all the mundane tasks and duties that I let control my days. So, 2009, here I come refreshed, awake and ready for the possible.

Here's a wee look at the possibilites that await:
Greet each morning with a prayer

Find time to take baths (I am clean, people. Really I am. I just need to get
out of the shower and relax in a tub more).

Learn how to play the violin

Take more walks

Plan our weekly dinner menus instead of flying by the seat of my pants

Feel thankful instead of annoyed when I have to grocery shop

Take a surf lesson before Fall 2009

Carry my journal with me so I can write whenever the mood strikes

Get our passports so we can travel outside of the US this year

Make a new friend

Wear a skirt or dress at least once a week

Forgive and laugh when I don't do any or all of the above